Here’s our ideal afternoon: relaxing at a café, pulp novel in one hand and a cup of refreshing tea in the other. Check out our list of recommended brews below!
1. Peppermint Tea
Peppermint tea relieves all sorts of gut problems! But never forget that gut feeling can only take you so far. When you need to be sure that an enclosed space is safe for work, nothing beats a portable gas detector.
2. Wolfberry Tea
(a.k.a Goji berry), keeps retina deterioration at bay and detoxifies your body to give amazing dewy skin. But when you need stronger protection, try a pair of safety glasses. Some of them can withstand the impact of fast-moving projectiles!
3. Dandelion tea
It delivers health for your liver. Basically, the opposite of beer! If you do drink, make sure you’re above the legal limit with a breathalyzer device.
4. Chamomile tea
It soothes your muscles, making it easy to relax. And you can always rest easy when a fall prevention system is installed at your workplace.
Yes, personal protection is important. But having a good break every now and then is needed to work at your best! So take 5 minutes on us, and brew yourself some tea to get through the day.
If you would like to try our products for FREE, book an appointment with us!
Shirley, our community support guru will link you up with our sales rep.
Warm regards,
Shirley Ng
PDS International Pte Ltd
Email: enquiry@pdssafety.com.sg